Inside York

Russell's Restaurant

Russell's York  


Two of York's Best known restaurants...



Russell's York


34 Stonegate, York
01904 641432

26 Coppergate, York
01904 644330

Russells Restaurants in both Stonegate and Coppergate are probably the only truly British Restaurants in York. Only fresh produce of the highest standards is used. Russells offers tradition on a plate, just like mother used to make. Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables are our specialty. Yorkshire Puddings are the real thing! The gravy is made from the Beef juices.

A large range of starters are available. Puddings are another of our specialties, one of the most popular being Bread & Butter Pudding, not to be found in many establishments these days.

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