Inside York

Kapadokya, York

Kapadokya Restaraunt  


Turkish restaurant, with tradtional open charcoal cooking...



Kapadokya Restaraunt





It's a Turkish restaurant, with traditional open charcoal cooking so that customers can see the food being prepared. There's nowhere in York like this and as far as I know it is the only one of its kind in North Yorkshire." Mitat, himself a chef, is also delighted with the team he has assembled at Kapadokya, which is in George Hudson Street. He worked with the head chef at a highly rated Turkish restaurant in Cambridge and Mitat has brought in several specialist chefs for different styles of Turkish cuisine.


25 George Hudson Street
York YO1 7EX
Tel: 01904 622500

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Kadriye Ciftlik
Posts: 1
Turkish Dining in York
Reply #1 on : Fri April 11, 2008, 18:32:32
I have been living 1 year in York for study and I found the Kapadokya Restaurant, passing by and since that time it has been my favourite place to have my lunch and dinner regularly.
The menu is uniques with a lot of choices, I admired the cleanliness and the fantastic decoration. The food is great taste and excellent value.
I highly recommend the place which is child-friendly and even quite busy during mid-week.
Reservation would be a good idea.
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