Inside York

The Ghost Hunt of York

Ghost Hunt of York  


A Spooky experience for all, big or small! Take a ghost tour and visit the sites of some of York's most famous ghouls...



Ghost Hunt of York

The Ghost Hunt of York

The Shambles, York – 7.30 pm every Night

(Just Turn up)

Tel:01904 608700

An encounter that takes your emotions from horror to hilarity on the country's most innovative guided walk. Your Victorian guide with his frock coat, top hat and Gladstone bag manifests at the bottom of Shambles, England's most famous mediaeval street. Ringing his death bell he gathers the awaiting ghost hunters and leads on to York`s darker side.

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Trevor Lester
Posts: 1
York's ghost hunt
Reply #1 on : Thu September 24, 2009, 18:34:02
Visited York just before Easter 2007 with my wife and whilst there, being interested in such things, we went on 3 of these of differing nights - surprisingly they were all of differing events and all interesting and well organised. However the one with Mr 'Andy Dextrous' as our guide was wonderful; informative, interesting, amusing yet serious when required, I'd highly recommend it to anyone visiting the wonderful city of York. TPL of Bolton
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